

过滤器允许你在 Pug 模板中使用其他语言。他们将一块纯文本作为输入。

¥Filters let you use other languages in Pug templates. They take a block of plain text as an input.

要将选项传递给过滤器,请将它们添加到过滤器名称后面的括号内(就像对 标签属性 所做的那样)::less(ieCompat=false)

¥To pass options to the filter, add them inside parentheses after the filter name (just as you would do with tag attributes): :less(ieCompat=false).

所有 JSTransformer 模块 均可用作 Pug 过滤器。流行的过滤器包括 :babel:uglify-js:scss:markdown-it。查看 JSTransformer 的文档,了解特定过滤器支持的选项。

¥All JSTransformer modules can be used as Pug filters. Popular filters include :babel, :uglify-js, :scss, and :markdown-it. Check out the documentation for the JSTransformer for the options supported for the specific filter.

如果你找不到适合你的用例的过滤器,你可以编写自己的 自定义过滤器

¥If you can’t find an appropriate filter for your use case, you can write your own custom filter.

例如,如果你希望能够在 Pug 模板中使用 CoffeeScript 和 Markdown(使用 Markdown-it 渲染器),你首先要确保安装了这些功能:

¥For example, if you want to be able to use CoffeeScript and Markdown (using Markdown-it renderer) in your Pug template, you would first make sure that these features are installed:

$ npm install --save jstransformer-coffee-script
$ npm install --save jstransformer-markdown-it


¥Now, you should be able to render the following template:



¥Filters are rendered at compile time. This makes them fast, but it also means that they cannot support dynamic content or options.

默认情况下,浏览器中的编译无法访问基于 JSTransformer 的过滤器,除非 JSTransformer 模块已显式打包并通过 CommonJS 平台(例如 Browserify 或 Webpack)提供。事实上,你现在正在阅读的页面使用 Browserify 来使过滤器在浏览器中可用。

¥By default, compilation in the browser does not have access to JSTransformer-based filters, unless the JSTransformer modules are explicitly packed and made available through a CommonJS platform (such as Browserify or Webpack). In fact, the page you are reading right now uses Browserify to make the filters available in the browser.


¥Templates pre-compiled on the server do not have this limitation.

内联语法(Inline Syntax)

¥Inline Syntax


¥If the content of the filter is short, one can even use filters as if they are tags:

过滤包含(Filtered Includes)

¥Filtered Includes

你还可以使用 包含语法.filter 将过滤器应用于外部文件。

¥You can also apply filters to external files, using the include syntax.

嵌套过滤器(Nested Filters)

¥Nested Filters


¥You can apply multiple filters on the same block of text. To do so, simply specify the filters on the same line.


¥The filters are applied in reverse order. The text is first passed to the last filter; then, the result is passed to the second last filter, and so on.

在以下示例中,脚本首先由 babel 转换,然后由 cdata-js 转换。

¥In the following example, the script is first transformed by babel, and then by cdata-js.

自定义过滤器(Custom Filters)

¥Custom Filters

你可以通过 filters 选项 将你自己的过滤器添加到 Pug。

¥You can add your own filters to Pug via the filters option.

options.filters = {
  'my-own-filter': function (text, options) {
    if (options.addStart) text = 'Start\n' + text;
    if (options.addEnd)   text = text + '\nEnd';
    return text;
  :my-own-filter(addStart addEnd)
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