

case 语句是 JavaScript switch 语句的简写。它采用以下形式:

¥The case statement is a shorthand for JavaScript’s switch statement. It takes the following form:

用例下降(Case Fall Through)

¥Case Fall Through

你可以使用 fall through,就像在 JavaScript switch 语句中一样。

¥You can use fall through, just as you would in a JavaScript switch statement.

然而,不同之处在于,每当未显式包含 break 语句时,JavaScript 就会失败;在 Pug 中,只有当一个块完全丢失时才会发生这种情况。

¥The difference, however, is a fall through in JavaScript happens whenever a break statement is not explicitly included; in Pug, it only happens when a block is completely missing.

如果你不想在特定情况下输出任何内容,请添加显式的无缓冲 break

¥If you would like to not output anything in a specific case, add an explicit unbuffered break:

块扩展(Block Expansion)

¥Block Expansion


¥Block expansion may also be used:

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